
Some pests form seasonal swarms (large groups often flying). Swarms are usually related to mating or finding a new nesting site. The swarms themselves usually disappear within a few days, but if they are inside a structure, can be annoying and produce a mess. A swarm does not necessarily mean that your structure has a live nest, but it does mean there is one nearby.

Ants and termites are the most common swarmers in our area. Termites lose their wings once they swarm. Carpenter ant and termite swarmers look similar, but the ants have the usual small waist (section between their thorax and abdomen). Termites have a thicker waist and their wings are the same size, unlike those of carpenter ants. Termite wings are loosely attached and discarded wings are often seen near termite swarms. Discarded wings are not normally seen near carpenter ant swarms. Lady bugs sometimes form swarms, as do millipedes. Swarms of bees are seldom a problem unless they choose to nest inside a human structure.

A vacuum cleaner with a bag can be a big help to clean up a swarm that is inside. However, it is not a good idea to use a vacuum cleaner on stinging insects such as bees. Marlboro Pest Control can help eliminate swarms if they are a nuisance, and we can discourage the mated females from starting a nest in your structure.

Swarms of any species of insect can become an issue in communities and even homes. Removal of swarms can quickly become not only overwhelming, but also difficult and potentially dangerous. Without the proper preparation, experience, and tools, full removal is challenging.
WARNING! Swarms should be considered armed and dangerous.
Do not attempt to exterminate them by yourself.
Contact Marlboro Pest Control immediately at (508) 485-3721.
61 Boston Post Road East, Marlborough, MA 01752 • 1-508-485-3721 • marlboropest@gmail.com